About ARL Crash Investigations
With decades of training and experience, ARL provides the highest level of professionalism when investigating and reconstructing collisions involving pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcycles, passenger cars, and commercial motor vehicles.
ARL’s unmatched trained experts have testified hundreds of times in both civil and criminal litigations. Our clients have included attorneys, insurance companies, state and local municipalities, and the United States Department of Justice.
ARL only uses ASE Certified Master Automotive Technicians and ASE Certified Master Heavy Truck Technicians and Brake Specialists when forensically inspecting the motor vehicles involved in the collision.
Michael Miller’s Biography
For over 26 years, Michael Miller was employed with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington D.C. After being assigned as an officer to the Sixth District Patrol Area, Michael was accepted to the Traffic Enforcement Branch (renamed the Major Crash Investigations Unit). In 1999, he was promoted to Detective within the unit. As part of his duties conducting in-depth and thorough crash reconstructions at the Major Crash Unit, he reenacted multiple collisions involving passenger vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, and commercial motor vehicles. Michael has received extensive training and certification within the realm of crash investigation and reconstruction and has investigated over 4500 crashes, of which 475 were fatalities. He has been ACTAR certified since 2006. As a certified instructor at the police department’s training academy, he served as the instructor of crash investigation to the recruits. He also has been a guest lecturer at American University and Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and a secret reader for Trial Magazine.
Michael has been certified as an expert within the realm of crash investigation and reconstruction in numerous criminal and civil cases within the District of Columbia’s Superior Court, the District of Columbia’s Federal Court and in the Circuit Court of Prince George’s County, Maryland. He also has assisted the District of Columbia’s Attorney General’s Office and the District of Columbia’s United States Attorney’s Office in providing expert crash reconstruction testimony in other criminal cases involving collisions such as hit and run, aggravated assault and assault with intent to kill. Michael was also a firefighter stationed at a heavy-rescue squad for over 7 years which affords him the experience and expertise to analyze and differentiate between crash damage and rescue damage on vehicles involved in the collision.

Michael Miller’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) is available upon request.
ARL Crash Investigations, LLC
PO Box 2188
Woodbridge, Virginia 22195-2188
P: (571) 552-3391
F: (571) 552-3393